My first contact with washi tapes wasn't exactly love at first sight - however since that first encouter I have fallen deeply in love with them and my collection is growing up fast. Now I needed both a storage solution and also a sample book to keep up with my stashes. Here's my new little sample book of all of my tapes - you can add pages there if needed and also the acetate pages are easy to use - IF (it's not likely to happen soon though) I happen to run out of some tape in my collection I just rip off the sample in the book and can use the space for my new tapes.
Tarvitsin myös säilytysratkaisun teipeilleni - ratkaisuksi löytyi kirpparilta muutamalla eurolla mäntyinen 80-90 -lukujen kodin vakiovarusteluun kuulunut monitoimiteline, joissa pidettiin talouspapereita, folioita ja elmukelmuja aikanaan. Rullat saa kätevästi irroitettaviin rullanpidikkeisiin ja etulistoissa on vielä metallinen sahalaitareuna teipin katkaisua varten, joten jos tarvin vain pienen pätkän niin ei tarvitse edes rullaa poistaa telineestä! Laiska kun olen niin en jaksanut hiomaan alkaa vaan menin sitten helpoimman kautta ja päällystin 1800 -luvun vanhan kirjan sivuilla ja modgepodgella koko systeemin ;) Kulmat koristelin tietysti aiheeseen sopien erilaisilla washiteipeillä.
I needed also a new storage system for my growing stashes - so I bought a wooden kitchen storage rack ( for paper towel rolls, plastic rolls, roil rolls etc) from flea market. I used modgepodge and old book pages to cover it as I was too lazy to sand all the laquer off it. Then I decorated the edges with some of my favorite tapes and also used some vintage style chipboard pieces on the top shelf. The holders come of for easy access and if you need only a small piece of tape you can cut it agains the serrated moulding at the front of each holder.
I needed also a new storage system for my growing stashes - so I bought a wooden kitchen storage rack ( for paper towel rolls, plastic rolls, roil rolls etc) from flea market. I used modgepodge and old book pages to cover it as I was too lazy to sand all the laquer off it. Then I decorated the edges with some of my favorite tapes and also used some vintage style chipboard pieces on the top shelf. The holders come of for easy access and if you need only a small piece of tape you can cut it agains the serrated moulding at the front of each holder.
Ja sillä välin kun etsin tuohon viereen vielä toista samanlaista telinettä niin osa rullista on pitänyt vielä säilyttää korissa telineen alla - tosin kuvan ottamisen jälkeen tuonne ylähyllylle vielä lisäsin osan teipeistä riviin :)
And while I'm searching flea markets to find another similar holder I have stashed the rest of the tapes in a small basket under the wall holder - although after this picture I took and placed some of them on the top shelf of the holder.
And while I'm searching flea markets to find another similar holder I have stashed the rest of the tapes in a small basket under the wall holder - although after this picture I took and placed some of them on the top shelf of the holder.
6 kommenttia:
Ihan mielettömän ihania!
Vitsit kun onkin hienoja, samaa ei voi sanoa mun muutamasta....eli vielä tiedän mitä omistan...hih :-D
Wautsi wau mikä teline! Ja mahtava valikoima sulla teippejä;mä oon ihan harrastelija tuohon verrattuna;)
Upea valikoima teippejä! Ooh! Tuosta kyllä kelpaa inspiroitua! :)
Upea valikoima teippejä! Ooh! Tuosta kyllä kelpaa inspiroitua! :)
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